i saw this swiss rolls on the internet and try it my self ( its not my idea, i found some pics on japanese websites)
you can also use it on top of a round cake or square.
very nice when they donnot eat or may eat marzipan or rollfondant.
List of Materials
- spongecake batter
- food coloring
- baking sheet and baking paper
- freezer and oven
- piping bottle of bags
- filling ( i used mocha creme )

spray cooking spray on your baking sheet and put your bakingpaper on it .
put uncolored spongecake batter in a piping bag or bottle and put some tips of the strawberries on the parchment.
freezing it for 10 minutes.

remove the tray from the freezer
Now spray the crowns of strawberries on the parchment paper with green colored batter.
put it again 10 minutes in the freezer

remove again from the freezer.
now you go finish the strawberry with red colored batter .
for the last time you put the bakingsheet 10 minutes in the freezer.
set your oven to the correct position

get it out of the freezer again.
Divide the last uncolored batter over the bakingsheet and bake this for about 10 minutes.
make sure you donnot overbake the spongecake becouse you cannot roll it well then and you get cracks like my first swiss roll , you can see the cracks on the picture.
when its out of the oven you can roll it between sheets of greased baking papier or you can take a put wet cloth on it a few minutes .

when you peel the bakingpaper of you get this look.

you can made all kinds of patterns on it , you also can make a picture with a sharpie pen on the baking paper and put that on the bakside so you can fill that in,note that you put letters in mirror writing on it .

now you cut the sides away and put the filling on it .
roll the swissroll between some greased bakingpaper.

the finsihed decorated swiss roll

i hope you like the how to , English is not m, n main language , i am dutch .
when i have the time i go make more of the patterned cakes and show it overhere.
kind regards brigitta

Super creative idea. Looking forward to trying this, thanks for the inspiration and sharing
This is very cool, thanks for posting it.
wow gottantry this awesome TFS
That is beyond awesome, looks SO delicious too!!!
that is awesome! thank you for posting this neat trick
gracias por compartir genial la idea
Awesome tutorial, Brigitta. Dank u wel!
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this tutorial. That was very kind of you and I really appreciate it. This cake really looks impressive and I can't wait to try it. Thanks!
Hallo brigit. Vielen dank - thanks. Great. I look forward to try. ;-) Tine from Denmark
This is such a great idea! Thank-you for sharing-your tutorial was really good-looking forward to more!!!!!
Thanks so much. it is great. I will try it. May I know how to avoid the crack when we roll the cake?? I always use confection sugar to cover the crack, but it will cover the design. Please help me out.
Thanks again.
dear AMYCC , roll the swiss roll between some greased bakingpaper right when he's out of the oven and try to not overbake it , than the spongecake get to dry.
Wow! Loving this, thankyou :)
Thanks for sharing.....so excited to try it <
Jako lepo i dekorativno izgleda, svidja mi se :)))
Great idea.. thanks for sharing.. Can't wait to try it
Awesome! x
looks yummy thanks for sharing
This is a fabulous tutorial...thank you...I will try this for my next party!
Very interesting! I will try it out!
Love, love, love this idea!
Thank you so much for posting this. I really do need to try this decorated Swiss roll cake.
I tried this and it came out beautifully! Thank you, so much, for a wonderful tutorial.
I love the idea! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!
That looks amazing! so simple yet so effective, love this idea.
wow i will definitely try this! can u please provide your spongecake batter recipe? Mine always crumbles so i cant roll it out. please please please because i'd love to make this!
What size cake pan do u ise plz?
I can't wait to try it on! Thank you for sharing this impressive idea!
In his week, i'm going to try it
the size of the pan is 30 cm by 50 cm
i always use a sponge cake mix , from the brand name soezie , but i donnot know iff you can buy it where you live.
This is such a beautiful cake! I have to try this.
Can you give mocha creme recipe ? How we can make it if we want to make it ?
and spongecake batter recipe ?thanks for your help ...
That's such a cool idea! can't wait to try it!
This is so amazing, and will be on my to do list. Thanks for sharing :)
this is so kawaii can't wait to try this out with some of my friends i know there going to flip out on how it's done thanks so much for posting
VERY cool tutorial! Thanks for sharing :)
you can see by all the reactions that it's very inventive and cool. It gave me great inspiration for other type of cakes too! Dankjewel Brigitta :)
That looks great! I can't wait to try it myself!
I'm so going to make this
Nice. Can't wait to combine this with the Strawberry Merengue Buttercream recipe :)
Fantastic! Thank you for posting and sharing the idea and your tutorial
you are so kind to be sharing this. thank you so much. Just wondering how would you get this effect on a normal round cake? anyone have any ideas :) thank you once again for this tutorial. Much appreciated x
OMG this is awesome :-) WHat a fantastic idea, looks brilliant!
You can find the sponge cake mix at the World Market. At least here in Des Moines, Iowa you can. Thanks for the tutorial. Like trying new things.
What a fantastic idea! Looking forward to do it with many other designs...
This is so lovely!!!!!!!!!
Quelle idée originale ! je meurs d'envie d'essayer moi aussi ! D'autant que l' on peut vraiment dessiner tout ce que l'on souhaite ! Bravo